
Sea Woman

I did a quick sketch of a Jules-Joseph Lefebvre painting ("Graziella") at the Met last Saturday and decided to do an inking based off the piece during studio time today. I just recently discovered his work and love the way he handles figures--I think more studies will follow! I'm going to color this piece later, but for now, here's the black and white version.


Pretty Boy Reservoir

I don't normally post pictures of my everyday happenings, but I snapped these two photos right after sunset at Pretty Boy reservoir and could't resist sharing them.


Elijah Mural by Ann Arbor Area Youth

So about a month ago I met with Carol Tice, the art director of Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, to see how the murals for Elijah turned out. The girls all did a great job taking inspiration from my sketches (see bottom sketches) and running with it. I met with the group (mostly high school and middle schoolers) once over spring break and it was cool to see the fruits of their labor. The mural is for the Blue Lake International Youth Orchestra and Choir's performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah, in Hill Auditorium on July 27th. Here are some photos of the finished mural.

Medic Babe

I'm currently working at MICA's Pre-College Program as a Teaching Assistant/Resident Counselor. One of the kids' in-class projects was to make a tattoo design, so I made a pin-up inspired medical babe. Here is the illustration version of the design.