Studies from trips to the zoo and taxidermy animals (fox)--I have some larger pieces I need to photograph. For my ongoing project in the class I'm making a giant star map with illustrated constellations.
Wow! So it's been a really long time since my last post and I have a ton of catching up to do. I was in Orte, Italy for the month of August working on a horse farm through WWOOF (WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms). It was an amazing experience, I got to eat lots of delicious home-cooked meals, get lots of fresh air, and see some art on my time off! I'll be starting up my thesis blog shortly, which will tie in some of my experiences from Italy. For now, here's a few sketches from my trips into Rome, and two watercolors done at the house where I was staying. I'll have a photo post later when I get all my film developed.